The Pucci Dress

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He comes from a long line of Italian nobility; She was a poor girl from Los Angeles. Their origins are insignificant, for fashion pays no heed to conventions and never hesitates to break down social barriers. Emilio Pucci’s take on fashion breathes new life into the styles of the 60‘s. Its a period characterized by the liberation of the bodies of women: women who feel good about themselves in flowing, citrus-colored materials, with graphic pop prints.

The “Prince of Prints” was crowned when his creation was united with the captivating Marilyn Monroe. In her boat neck, mint-green Pucci dress, the lightly ruffled silk material giving way, gently, to her thin white legs, crossed in a pin-up pose. No clichés here: when Pucci met Marilyn, pure fantasy turned into detached elegance.

Having worked towards freeing women from their clothing’s straitjacket rigidity, she wore the dress with delicate reserve during a trip to Mexico City in the spring of 1962. Six months later, she was found dead. August 8th of the same year, the one woman who was able to awaken sensations in men and women alike (all while attracting the judgmental eyes of the pious), was buried in the same dress; with no commotion, but rather a limitless grace, Marilyn will rest on in eternal youth.

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