Tissus et Vêtements Chez Les Ecrivains au XIXe Siècle: Sociopoétique du Textile

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Author: Alain Montandon

Publishing House: Champion

Parution Date: September 29, 2015

Dresses, clothes and costumes are visible phenomena with multiple meanings: social, economic, political, psychological, aesthetic… The appearances make the visible universe of the social world. They are the object of judgments, stereotypes, mental images, fantasies.They vary according to the modes and the representations which generate them and model them.  Also the writers of the 19th century more particularly, attached to represent with realism the society, are part of this world of fabrics and cloths to the forms, textures and multiple colors, laboratory of their novelistic and poetic creation. Also in the theater as in the novel the clothing panoply makes it shimmer its socio-economic powers as its multiple seductions. The seamstress, the grisette, the actress, the dancer and the bourgeoisie are dragged by the textile industry, whether in Balzac, Zola, Flaubert, Proust, Baudelaire, Lorrain, Hugo, Gautier, Daudet, the Goncourts and some others. The vestignomony allows the writer to camp the characters while revealing the characters while the eroticism of the dresses is added to the noise of fabrics.