Mallarmé et la mode

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Author: Jean-Pierre Lecercle

Publishing House: Séguier

Publication Date: February 20, 2014

Description :“Mallarmé et la mode”: whose developments are related to the Dernière Mode, the publication to which Mallarmé collaborated from August to December 1874. The book attempts to articulate this astonishing review of fashion on Mallarméan poetics, although the text of the Dernière Mode, and this is the thesis exposed in 1989 by Jean Pierre Lecercle, taken up again and completed today, presents little relationship with Mallarméan poetic elaboration. Object of the recent exhibition entitled “Fashion and Impressionism”, the relations of fashion and art deserve to be reappraised all the more that the book, today, haunts, in the proper sense of the term, the windows of the fashion stores which, a few years ago, drove out the bookshops of the Latin Quarter, in Paris, and took their place…
