Lettres à une amie vénitienne

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A moving work — “We are all in danger while we live, but it is precisely this danger that we love since it expands our hearts by bringing infinity into them — and admire Venice and life and death and your intense heart” wrote Rainer Maria Rilke in 1908.

Author : Rainer Maria Rilke

Publishing House : L’herne

Collection : Essais

Release date : Mai 2016

My dear and beautiful Friend, for the first time alone with your portrait I must write to you in the silence of the Venetian night. However small this letter, it will retain the advantage of being the first. There will be others who will repeat to you what she comes to tell you ingenuously: how happy I am to have met you, beautiful and admirable as you are in everything. I learn about your beauty like a child who is told a beautiful story.
