Le Paris des Pâtisseries

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A collection of photographs of some of the world’s most mouth-watering pastries, set against the backdrop of one of the world’s most iconic cities – the Paris pastry scene is more vibrant than ever, and this book aims to show it off!

Author: François Blanc

Publishing House: Ducasse Edition

Publication Date: September 2020

Description : Go through, district by district, a Paris of pastries at its best! The 50 BEST PASTAKERS OF THE MOMENT offer here their 100 recipes of cakes to make all the amateurs drool. Recipes for all levels to make at home the favorite creations of PHILIPPE CONTICINI, YANN COUVREUR, CLAIRE DAMON, MAXIME FREDERIC, CEDRIC GROLET, PIERRE HERME and so many other great or young talents.

To browse the Paris of pastries at its best, is to navigate from one recipe to another, district by district. Gourmet neophytes will also find in this book a precious address book.
