À la recherche du temps perdu – Tome IV

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The masterpiece of the literal French – Marcel Proust, inspired by Venice, freezes Volume 4 of the Research there. night a character who, taken home before daybreak, must not be able to find the magical abode where he ends up believing that he only went in a dream. »

Author : Marcel Proust

Publishing House : Gallimard

Collection : Bibliothèque de la Pléiade

Release date : Octobre 1989

A man expelled from himself, taken refuge in his work, metamorphosed into a novel; a novel in perpetual mutation, alive, always more other and always more itself; an extraordinary work of memory – and imagination – in search of lost paradises, which are the only true paradises; an art that makes you forget art; a work of art and a theory of art; and finally the dream of a synthesis of all the arts: In Search of Lost Time is all this, and still this: the recreation of a universe,…
