Alessandro Mendini is an innovator, a visionary whose worldwide renown is the fruit of a magic work full of bright colors, lively forms, and communicative energy. The poet of design, celebrated for his “Lots of Dots” creations, is this time giving shape to a new Swatch. These two entities have actually been collaborating for quite some time now.
For his newest creation, Alessandro Mendini uses an openwork dial to reveal everything that makes a Swatch tick, in his signature colors. Meanwhile, he encapsulates the dynamism of his conception of a see-through plastic casing. This is a playful reference to his earlier work with Swatch – amusing silicone bands splashed with colorful pink, red, yellow, blue, and green dots. The Dotty design appears as a motley assortment of bright colors. Even better, “Lots of Dots” is also an expo that will kick off February 28, 2016 at the DDP (Dongdeamun Design Plaza) in Seoul, celebrating the tour de force that is this collaboration between Swatch and Alessandro Mendini. And just a few days earlier, on February 25th, the new Swatch Art Special will be available in stores worldwide.
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