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It is the working method of François Truffaut’s genius that is deciphered in this book – in great depth, this book returns above all to François Truffaut’s approach to cinema… A cinema marked by a passion, an interest in male-female relationships and a fascination for the age of childhood.
Author: Carole Le Berre
Publishing House: Cahiers du Cinéma
Publication Date: 9 Octobre 2014
Description : Among the abundant literature devoted to François Truffaut, a work on his working method from his archives was missing. Carole Le Berre’s patient investigation of the entirety of an unhoped-for working documentation allows her to access the universe and the creative process of a filmmaker as rarely as possible. Because Truffaut wrote a lot, covered his scripts with handwritten notes, and had a passion for keeping everything, the reader can witness, as if on the sly, the very movement of the elaboration of the work.
We find the still living traces of a mind in constant activity, as if we were catching a filmmaker at work, we discover his secrets of fabrication, we follow the emergence of an idea, the sketch sometimes of a mise en scène, the birth of a film. One has the impression of knowing everything about Truffaut, and yet, this book allows us to discover him from a new angle and to experience even more the obstinacy and coherence of his work.
Nothing could be further from the truth than the legend that Truffaut, the irascible critic, the gravedigger of French quality, had become a settled filmmaker. The subjects of his films, such as they are brought to light here, the violence that emanates from them, the profound savagery of the characters show, on the contrary, how much this received idea is a form of blindness. Truffaut’s cinema never ceases to play with the discrepancy between an anodyne appearance, the amiable mask of entertainment, and the ball of savagery that runs through it and emerges in bursts.
It is from this contradiction between the power of the fantasies he releases and the will to be accepted that he builds his cinema. And it is this need to be recognized and accepted, similar to the desire of his mirror character played by Jean-Pierre Léaud, Antoine Doinel, to enter families, which is at the origin of the misunderstanding that would have us believe in his wisdom, in the unanimity of his cinema.
The organization of the book is chronological and each chapter approaches a film from an angle that highlights an aspect of Truffaut’s method. An abundant iconography enriches the author’s discourse and many unpublished documents are reproduced here, now accessible to fans of Truffaut’s films.
Author: Condé Nast
Publishing House: Harry N. Abrams
Publication Date: 2012
Description : Vogue: The Editor’s Eye celebrates the pivotal role the fashion editor has played in shaping America’s sense of style since the magazine’s launch 120 years ago. Drawing on Vogue’s exceptional archive, this book focuses on the work of eight of the magazine’s legendary fashion editors (including Polly Mellen, Babs Simpson, and Grace Coddington) who collaborated with photographers, stylists, and designers to create the images that have had an indelible impact on the fashion world and beyond. Featuring the work of world-renowned photographers such as Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, and Annie Leibovitz and model/muses, including Marilyn Monroe, Verushka, and Linda Evangelista, The Editor’s Eye is a lavishly illustrated look at the visionary editors whose works continue to reverberate in the culture today.
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The composition of great wines is inherent to that of their cellars – and this beautiful book explains for the first time the relationship between the great architects and the creation of cellars specifically dedicated to giving a precise architecture to these wines of pleasure! A story that begins with Ricardo Bofill and Lafite Rothschild… An ideal book for wine lovers and professionals!
Author: Philippe Chaix
Publishing House: Flammarion
Publication Date: March 2016
Description :Lafite Rothschild, Margaux, Mouton Rothschild, Pichon Baron, Montrose, Cos d’Estournel, Pédesclaux, Petrus, Cheval Blanc, Angélus, La Dominique, Faugères… This book offers the pleasure of discovering these great areas where wine and architecture magnify each other with always at the heart the passion of excellence.
Authors: Alexander Fury
Publishing House: La Martinière
Publication Date: 2021
Description :Vivienne Westwood is one of the world’s most provocative and influential designers: “The only reason I am involved in fashion is to destroy the word ‘conformity’,” she once said. For 40 years, she has continued to disrupt, transform and challenge the fashion world. This book brings together her most singular creations since her first show in 1981, as well as those imagined with her husband and long-time collaborator, Andreas Kronthaler. The designer duo write their own biographies, while Alexander Fury presents each collection. With more than 1,100 photographs, this treasure trove of inspiration is an indispensable reference for all fashion professionals and Vivienne Westwood fans.