The Rolling Stones

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The Stones : “More than a band: a way of life”1rn

The Rolling Stones – an eloquent name, endlessly on the move; music rooted in ingenuity, and a way of life in the image of the heroes of the most decadent of literature. Rebellious but authentic.

A myth was in the making. By dedicating their entire existence to the establishment of their telltale sound, the Stones played a key part in building up the basis for “rock culture” along with the Beatles. Next to their Liverpool-based counterparts, these four bad boys are like a stick of dynamite. Say goodbye to the conciliatory shirt, jacket, and tie uniform. In their biker-esque wake, we’ve been left with pieces like distressed skinny jeans and destroyed cowboy boots, fitting for a generation in search for an anti-establishment leader. The archetype of the raving junkie was born when the band’s bedhead hairstyles became popular. On their fingers, skull rings reinforced the idea of a life that must be lived in excess, because in their reasoning, the end is just the beginning.

It’s been 50 years already since the Stones first started riling up girls and rebels everywhere. A certain obscurity seems to surround their longevity: they themselves are one of the last great unsolved mysteries, with their underlying rhythm and blues sonority still shamelessly alive in the music of the 21st century.

Just for their big comeback onto the scene, the four diehard rockers are yet again sticking it to the man with an intimate surprise concert in Paris on October 25th, announced via Twitter: a monumental event. It’s more than enough for the band to relive their musical youth. In short, theirs is a vintage ambiance that we’ll never get tired of discovering, rediscovering, and reinterpreting as long as the many eras of the past, present, and future shall be intertwined. Their style is fittingly set in “stone”, forever associated with the birth of rock ‘n’ roll. The Stones will never stop!

1- Andrew Loog Oldham, the Rolling Stones’ manager

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