The Rippling Iris Van Herpen Dress for Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2017 Collection

Home / Fashion & accessories / The Rippling Iris Van Herpen Dress for Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2017 Collection

Today, luxury is more a fertile ground for avant-garde than an outpost for ostentatious spending. A bit further than the idea of the object, the strength of luxury, and haute couture, resides in that which provokes or infuses an emotion. There exists no technique as exact, no quest for perfection as complete as that of haute couture. When the millennial savoir-faire of certain artisans meets the capacity for precision of new technologies, the result is nothing short of moving.

During Haute Couture week Spring/Summer 2017, Iris Van Herpen played with all her poetry to to bring femininity into a new dimension – with all the delicateness she’s known for. Here, clothing becomes organic as evidenced by a single piece that moves at times with the body, at times to the rhythm of nature. These mineral pieces adopt the chimeric graphicness of invisibility. Inspired by sound vibrations last season, the designer today seems to pursue her exploration of pure and raw phenomena.

Among the 16 looks that went down the runway, the rippling dress where black and white fuse is befitting of the collection’s key piece. “Between The Lines” is a collection that plays with transparencies and optical illusion to bring brand new materials to 3D printing, notably silk. Composing volumes that would be impossible to make by hand, the most inventive designer of the day seems to be on the cusp of arriving at new materials, but also of playing with poetic and technological experimentations in order to enjoy the body and its unpredictable nature a bit more.


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