The Prada Foundation Presents “Finite Rants”

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The Prada Foundation Presents “Finite Rants”

With the guiding principle being the film La Jetée by Chris Marker, the Prada Foundation called on filmmakers, artists, intellectuals and academics, to work on 8 visual essays.

“Finite Rants” At The Prada Foundation

The new artistic project commissioned by the Prada Foundation is to be seen online on its site, from June 25, 2020. ‘Finite Rants’ includes 8 visual essays and tests which will be published online on a monthly basis.

It is to the curators Luigi Alberto Cippini and Niccolò Gravina that we owe this sharp and relevant selection. The first essays put online will be those of the German director and writer Alexander Kluge, the Japanese photographer Satoshi Fujiwara, the French director Bertrand Bonello, and Swiss economist Christian Marazzi.

Starting with Chris Marker’s radical film La Jetée, Prada invited these filmmakers, artists, intellectuals and academics to collaborate on this idea of ​​“photo novel”, the very words of Chirs Marker.

The “Finite Rants” project takes up the socio-cultural dimension of Chris Marker’s work to apply it to our times. The result?

8 visual essays as a medium to create “images for mental notions” as Hans Richter already said in 1940. Indeed, the Prada Foundation’s “Finite Rants” project is also based on the theory of this director of avant-garde. For him, the cinematographic essay or the video serves the freedom of creation, the complexity, the reflexivity, the crossing of cinematographic genres and the transgression of linguistic conventions.

The project “Finite Rants” aims to explore the versatility of the genre of cinematic testing – with a radical Chris Marker’s aim. A vision that is not far from the values ​​and aesthetics defended by Miuccia Prada in its fashion since the 90s.

A pan-European vision which explores the recent events that Europe has experienced, “Finite Rants” distills an aesthetic but thoughtful vision of the social, political and cultural problems specific to our time. By creating, editing and post-producing raw visuals, the artists who worked on the Prada Foundation project sought to express personal visions and poetics. Involving the spectator in an active and thoughtful role.

The first “Finite Rants” trials at the Prada Foundation can be discovered here, starting on June 25th.