The “Oversize” Coat by Dolce & Gabbana

Home / Fashion & accessories / The “Oversize” Coat by Dolce & Gabbana
Oversize clothing? Women took it from the male wardrobe. Now it’s the men’s turn to take back their right to wrap up in the comforting lengths of immense coats with a hide lining. Dolce & Gabbana went down the runway with crowned heads dressed in printed sweaters on top of slim-fit pants. To evoke the Norman invasions of their home island, the two Sicilians Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana revisit a medieval aesthetic, put in line with the times upon contact with a nameless talent.
In these savage lands, Dolce & Gabanna bequeath the guardians of the island with an overcoat that possesses protective volumes. A coal black coat, long, solid, and richly lined; this snobby piece attains a high degree of desirability when, in 2015, it becomes a simple matter of bundling up for the cold of next winter.

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