The Moët Ice Impérial Mini Trunk

Home / Wines and Spirits / The Moët Ice Impérial Mini Trunk

The first to have imagined it: Moët Ice Impérial is the only champagne made to drink on ice. The first to have thought it up: in the middle of summer 2014, the brand is releasing a mini trunk for the first time, a must for enjoyment of the beverage. The promise of a moment of absolute freshness.

An immaculate accessory as white as ice. When closed, the Mini Moët Ice Impérial tasting trunk looks like nothing other than a simple white travel trunk. Once opened, it transforms into a mobile bar; a case for Moët Ice Impérial ready to accept two bottles, four Cabernet-style glasses, and two ice buckets. An elegant nomadic mini trunk that allows you to preserve the freshness of the bottles in sunny places. But catch it while you can, it’s a very limited edition.

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