1972: Gucci, the Florentine couture house, sneaks into the world of watchmaking. 2013: the Bamboo watch reinvents itself through a collaboration between Gucci Watch and Jewelry and Chinese actress Li Bing Bing.
Some believe environmentalism and fashion to be incompatible. Whatever the case, taking advantage of the synergy of its jewelry as well as that of Nature, Gucci is innovating. From a mash-up between the creativity of Frida Giannini and arduous defense of the environment of which actress Li Bing Bing is living proof is born a sort of modernity encapsulated in a sphere. Produced in the Swiss region La Chaux-de-Fonds, the timepiece is made of raw bamboo and steel. The former is hand-tapered, while the whole product is assembled with artisanal finesse. Used for the first time during World War II, at that time an elegant response to a shortage in materials, bamboo became the brand’s go-to choice. Within the watches’ links, bamboo brings together savage nature and sophistication.
Just like with its clothes, that Gucci individually thinks up the details for, the Bamboo timepiece is purely modern. Roman numerals adorn the dial, made of bamboo, keeping steady the flow of time. The bracelet, beaded with bamboo and an organic substitute for ivory, also flaunts the horse bit motif, another Guccian icon. Tiny balls in bamboo or faux ivory give the watch airs of a piece of finery. The Guccilogo lodges itself discreetly at the end of the bracelet’s cord. All in all, the Gucci label has succeeded in creating an original piece of jewelry. This sensual accessory will no doubt give any outfit a touch of distinguished perfection. This special edition enriches the Bamboo Watches collection with a rebellious chic.
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