Delicate animated sketches channel Paris’ Belle Époque and light up the night sky in this new film from director Mary Clerté, dedicated to the legacy of French trunk-makers and leather goods specialist Moynat. The updated art deco imagery is inspired by the original drawings of the atelier’s one-time art director Henri Rapin, whose iconic red leather and brass-studded luggage put the brand on the map in the early part of the 20th century. The brand has been breaking ground since its inception in 1849, when founder Pauline Moynat — the only female trunk-maker in Paris—joined forces with the skilled craftsmen of the Coulembier family. The entrepreneuse went on to win awards for her innovative 1873 British Trunk, and acclaim as the inventor of the women’s handbag in 1880, created for the famed turn-of the century actress Gabrielle Rejane.
Fast forwarding to contemporary France, filmmaker Clerté casts Paris-based model, muse and fashion blogger Jeanne Damas as the modern answer to the classic Moynat woman as she explores the arts and theatre landmarks in the City of Lights, researching the role of loyal brand devotee Réjane. “The story of the brand is really modern: Pauline Moynat was a business woman who came to Paris and established herself”, she concludes.
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