Diptyque’s 2014 collection revolves around three themes, or rather, three scents: Spice, Winter, and Resin. These scents evoke the white horizons of tree-lined slopes or the warmth of a tasty fireside treat. Winter’s blue incarnates the sensation of being enveloped by white through a fragrant point of view, Spice’s ambiance is warm and vibrant, like a voluptuous force strengthened with enrapturing cinnamon. The green of Resin’s candles harbors all that pine trees have to offer. These are the scents that make us instinctively close our eyes to better explore the reminiscence that springs forth from their evocative power.
But what makes these candles truly magical is their holders. A collectivity of young artists, dubbed Qubo Gas, took it upon themselves to design these holders, cultivating a creative melting pot and combining traditional techniques with technology. In this crossroads between the past, the present, and the future, it’s timelessness that is finally produced. These strange landscapes, made of superposing transparent graphics, pencil, feathers, collages, watercolor… these abstract landscapes are a segue to Diptyque’s simple yet dreamy nature. In this hodgepodge of abstraction, the work of Desmond Know Leet, one of the brand’s three founders, is front and center. These Yuletide candles will be available in November 2014.
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