La Fable des Abeilles: Vices privées, vertus publiques – Tome 1

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Author: Bernard de Mandeville

Publishing House: Vrin

Publication Date : January 1999

Description :In the second quarter of the 18th century, both in England and on the continent, The Fable of the Bees was a scandalous success. Then it was almost completely forgotten; it is only since the end of the 19th century that it has been reread with attention, either because it is seen as a particularly lucid description of the society and mores of Mandeville’s time, or because it is seen as a precursor of political economy, and of what we would like to call an economic psychology.This new edition is based on the edition published by Vrin in 1974, i.e. the text of the original edition of 1714, but it also includes two of the three texts that Mandeville added to it, the Essay on Charity and Schools of Charity, which provoked the wrath of philanthropists, in 1723, and the saddened Defense of his own book, in 1724. A text also added (in 1723), Recherche sur la nature de la société, has just been published; as for what Mandeville called the “second part” of the Fable of the Bees, a long preface followed by six dialogues, we have given a French edition, Vrin, 1991.
