Hôtel de Bourrienne

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Author: Thierry Sarmant

Publishing House: Tallandier

Publication Date: September 2020

The Hôtel de Bourrienne is the only private residence that remains in Paris to recall the atmosphere of the Directoire and the Consulate. A series of small miracles has made this two hundred year continuity possible: since the end of the Age of Enlightenment, great speculators, financiers, manufacturers and captains of industry have succeeded one another within its walls in order to preserve a heritage that is rich in memories. After four years of ambitious restoration, the architecture and decorations are once again revealed with singularity and elegance.



This book gives an accurate and rare depiction of the style and atmosphere back during the French Directory and Consulate, and the revolution that occurred in terms of interior decoration. The Hôtel de Bourrienne, one of the last buildings still preserved, is a reference when it comes to this heritage of French elegance.