Beauté Fatale: Les nouveaux visages d’une aliénation féminine

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Author: Mona Chollet

Publishing House: Zones

Publication Date : February 16, 2012

Description : Padded bras for girls, obsession with thinness, trivialization of cosmetic surgery, insistent prescription of the skirt as a symbol of liberation: the “tyranny of the look” asserts today its hold to impose the most stereotyped femininity. In this book, Mona Chollet shows how the industries of the “fashion-beauty complex” work to maintain, in an insidious and seductive way, the sexist logic at the heart of the cultural sphere.Under the alleged cult of beauty prospers a hatred of oneself and one’s body, maintained by the hype of unattainable standards. A process of self-devaluation which feeds a constant anxiety about the physicality at the same time as it condemns the women to not know how to exist otherwise than by the seduction, locking them in a state of permanent subordination. In this sense, the question of the body could well constitute the key of an advance of the rights of the women on all the other plans, from the fight against the violence to that against the inequalities at work.