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Authors: Eric Fréchon, Clarisse Ferreres

Publishing House: Solar

Publication Date: March, 2009

Description : In the name of easy cooking, Eric Fréchon, prestigious Michelin-starred chef at the Bristol, one of the best Parisian restaurants, offers his antidote to the chef’s book with these 100 ultra-implicated recipes. Shortbread with parmesan, duck burger, polenta pan-fried with dried fruits, fine ravioli of scallops, mashed peas with mint and velvety green asparagus, carpaccio of tomatoes and roasted mullet, verrine with lemon meringue… Through more than 100 simple but refined recipes, Éric Frechon, a great Michelin-starred chef, makes you share the cuisine he likes to make at home. Produced with four hands, her book is a concentrate of good ideas and gourmet recipes for everyday cuisine: Clarisse Ferreres, young passionate about cuisine and gastronomy, put his grain of salt in his great chef recipes to offer you accessible and friendly dishes. Putting his know-how within the reach of all, Éric Frechon delivers here the secrets of a fast and tasty cuisine. All his little tips will make your life easier to cook like a chef, in all simplicity. So do not hesitate, take out your hat, and all in the kitchen!
