My Burberry : The Perfume Inspired by The Iconic Trench Coat

Home / Beauty / My Burberry : The Perfume Inspired by The Iconic Trench Coat
It’s hard to imagine fitting a trench coat into a bottle, but Burberry has done just that. Christopher Bailey wanted this nectar to be iconic, and what could be more iconic for the London fashion house than its timeless trench coat? The flask itself overflows with this inspiration. The usual honey color of Burberry’s trench coats is unabashedly reflected in My Burberry. The gabardine tie that encloses the rectangular bottle is not without bringing to mind the belt that highlights the waist of women ready to face down fall weather. Without it, the season would be morose; it would indeed be difficult for these beauties to go even one day without their Burberry, “My Burberry”. This name is so entrenched in hearts and minds that no one can tell if they’re talking about their coats or their perfume.
A perfume who’s flask gracefully closes just like the brown button of a coat. A precious gesture that captures a movement users already know and love. As for the check pattern, it’s hidden in the honey-colored box, just like the back lining of a trench coat. The comparisons are endless since according to Bailey: “A fragrance that is inspired by the iconic Burberry trench needs to be absolutely exceptional.” And so this perfume takes inspiration from the scents emanating from the gardens of London after a fresh-fallen rain, a rain that the trench coat’s perfect waterproof capabilities are sure to protect you from. Floral and just as easy to wear as a Burberry in the streets of London, this scent couldn’t get any more British.
The perfume’s ad campaign adds another layer of iconic. Like the trench coat, it is ageless and refuses to be tied down. Just like Cara and Kate. Burberry will always and forever choose icons to represent a fellow budding icon. You can find them taking shelter from a rain of My Burberry that falls softly on the gabardine without ever penetrating inside of it. Don’t be surprised when you start to see Burberry collars imbued with their very own trench perfume this season.

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