The frontiers of modern times are no longer physical: they concern ideas, connections, and creativity. In all honesty, today’s frontiers are without limits. These don’t exist anymore for Levi’s either. Len Peltier is signing off on and photographing the Levi’s 2013 collection around the notion of the post-modern frontier. On black and white visuals, various landscapes from an all-American past fade into the background as colored spots emerge to the forefront. In the foreground, by contrast, you can read: “The future is leaving. Go forth!”
The campaign admonishes today’s pioneers to take things into their own hands. To explore the idea of uniting tradition with modernity, the brand is calling out to its precursors and promoters in cinema, design, and more widely, the art world. Rising stars or recognized talents, the campaign’s guests-of-honor perfectly capture all the timelessness of the Fall/Winter 2013 collection. Tony Jefries, Natas Kaupus, Chloe Flower, Tony Serra, Ryan McGinley, and Jake Scott contribute their styles and lifestyles to a new approach to these icons. To better anchor itself in the present, the brand is getting a little help from the past.
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