Krug en Capitale IV

Home / Wines and Spirits / Krug en Capitale IV
This Monceau institution, located in the heart of the 8th arrondissement, houses a collection of 18th century furnishings and art objects. It’s within the museum’s vast garden that Krug set the stage for their illustrious champagne – and that’s not all. Every day and evening from March 8-12, 2016, the brand will be taking care of its distinguished guests by offering a brand new setup for its iconic champagne. Krug is offering its very own musical garden with sound based on the acousmonium, a multi-channel orchestra composed of speakers scattered around as you progress on your garden walk.
30 guests for lunch, 15 for “K Time”, and 30 for dinner… they’ll all enjoy a brisk promenade as they’re bemused by flavors and sounds. “K Time” – Krug Grande Cuvée and a pastry, is the day’s fourth highlight and is orchestrated by chef Armand Arnal. Starred in French cuisine, he’s gone digging in his own Mediterranean garden to come up with a creative cuisine made with organic products that perfectly matches the different notes present in Krug champagne. This musical garden is a fleeting, almost imaginary affair, constructed within a poetic universe of colors and materials… all to the delight of the epicureans in attendance. 

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