Courrèges’ Vinyl Dresses and Jackets for A/W 2022

Home / Fashion & accessories / Courrèges’ Vinyl Dresses and Jackets for A/W 2022
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Nicolas Di Felice explored the signatures of Courrèges in his winter collection, and it was the fabulous Courrèges vinyl designs which stole the show!

Courrèges Vinyl: Courrèges’ Signature Space Age

For Nicolas Di Felice’s second collection as artistic director of Courrèges, he delivered a well-aligned collection with the founder’s tremendous heritage.

“I really have an obsession with simple patterns, they start with geometric patterns” notes Nicolas Di Felice.

Like him, Nicolas Di Felice is fascinated by the geometry of lines. Fascinated by the geometry of lines, Nicolas Di Felice aimed to create bold pieces based on these inspiring lines. Furthermore, to be specific it was one of André Courrèges’ fashion shows which inspired this Autumn/Winter fashion show.

His research led him to discover footage from the 1973 fashion show, which, surprise surprise did not take place in a Parisian studio but in fact in a car wreck. Nicolas Di Felice loved this idea, and with it in mind he put together this Courrèges collection for next winter.

Courrèges’ classic trademark, vinyl, served as Nicolas Di Felice’s canvas, it appeared on iconic jackets, dresses and trousers where he let his imagination with geometric shapes run free. The result?

Diamond-shaped cut-outs climbing up trouser legs, on Courrèges Space Age jackets, wrap coats and avant-garde mini-dresses. Nicolas Di Felice collection went as far as cutting the Courrèges material-manifesto into a vinyl down jacket!

Sexy and experimental, the Autumn/Winter 2022 collection opens new avenues for the Courrèges vinyl to flourish.

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