Today, Lucia Pica, Global Creative Designer for Chanel’s makeup division is making something new out of this heritage. For her, red means “the color of life and death, of love and desire, of innocence and experience… This color of extremes is a metaphor for a number of emotional dichotomies.” She has the same passion for the color red than Peter Philips in the Dior house. By seeking to explore the shade’s multiple resonances, Lucia Pica has arrived at a new interpretation of red’s traditional role, paying homage to this choice color that is able to seamlessly work itself into lipstick, blush, and nail polish.
And so Lucia Pica is opening up new, unexplored horizons – notably in the realm of eye makeup, where she evokes all the emotion and passion of the color red. The same red that flushes the cheeks of a woman in love, the red of a woman full of desire, of passion, the red of a woman who exudes youth and well-being… all of these reds are incarnated within a blush called Joues Contraste. The subtle power that emanates from a woman’s gaze, whether vulnerable or victorious, is perfected by seductive makeup with disarming strength.
Finally, the Chanel Rouge contains “something subversive and classic. It evokes the power of femininity, but also its vulnerability. Red is an intense, vulnerable, sexual, and eternal color.” Or in other words, a Chanel color.
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